Meeting Notes | March 2, 2021 at 5:45pm| Zoom Meeting
In Attendance: K. Dresbach, S. Guzman, M. Garcia, M. Webber, C. Cebrzynski, D. Kiyvyra, K. Crabtree, S. Borak, R. Nugent, K. Brady, D. Tatalovich, S. James S. Schwadron
(Non LSAT Members: Kathleen Regan, Maurice Warner, Penelope Miller, Daniel Hayden, Kathleen Bergin)
- Dave made a motion to close the meeting to discuss the budget and the decisions of Mr. C.
- Motion is made to close the meeting and reopen after C. Cebrzynski discusses the rationale of the budget to be submitted on Mar 2nd. (Vote of: Yay 12 Nay 0)
- Meeting officially closed 5:50pm
- Chris thanks everyone for their effort and acknowledges the difficulty of arriving to a consensus. Addressing issues of the pandemic, academic achievement gap and loss leaning repair remains top priority.
- Update: petition to gain another full time employee was denied.
- Chris to submit his budget on March 2nd. He hopes to have it approved in its entirety.
- Dave K asks for motion to reopen the meeting. (Vote : Yay 12 Nay 0)
- Dave K and Katelyn B to be forwarded the budget for official review and sign off.
- DEI work to continue Mr C has asked LSAT to be a part of developing the role to be funded by Excellence through Equity budget allocation.
- Development of DCPS Accelerated Summer Program- (Funding 93k) LSAT to develop framework. Program will include academic and non academic aspects. Deadline to develop is March 25th. Volunteers- Dave K. Katelyn B. Steven J., Sue Guzman, Sandra B. , Kelly C. - Penelope Miller to serve as POC for the team.
Meeting Adjourned 7:09pm
Meeting Notes | March 1, 2021 at 4:30pm| Zoom Meeting
In Attendance: K. Dresbach, S. Guzman, M. Garcia, M. Webber, C. Cebrzynski, D. Kiyvyra, K. Crabtree, S. Borak, R. Nugent, K. Brady, D. Tatalovich, S. James S. Schwadron
(Non LSAT Members Deb Meisel, Holly Hope, Mary Hagan)
- Wins for the week- Virtual Assembly- Kids loved seeing the fraternity step show.
- Petition Update- Chris to submit to add a position. The petition is due March 2nd.
- Teachers Suggestion- teachers received a survey to assist in making budget allocation suggestions for Mr. C. The feedback showed Teachers, Aides and Reading Specialists as the highest ranking. SpED Manager and Assistant Principal were among the lowest scoring. Teachers recommendation is roles with direct interaction with students should be protected and the priority roles in the budget.
- Parents- The goal of the parents is to meet the needs of the most vulnerable based on the data provided (Math and Reading BOY/MOY). Concern remains on how the responsibilities will be farmed out throughout the school year of those roles that may ultimately be dissolved.
- C gives instruction and updates he will need the budget and LSAT recommendations on March 2nd.
- 5:45pm LSAT team decides to extend the meeting for an extended discussion of roles and present a recommendation to Mr. C. Mr. C temporarily leaves the meeting.
- Mr. C rejoins the meeting to hear the LSAT recommendation. LSAT will meet again on March 2, 2021 to hear Mr. C’s rationale and decision.
Meeting Adjourned 7:17pm
Meeting Notes | February 23, 2021 at 5:45pm | Zoom Meeting
Attendance: In Attendance: Katelyn Brady, Dave Kiyvyra, Sandra Borak, Amy, Bidget Lilley, Chris Cebrzynski, Corrie, Kelly Crabtree, Mary Garcia, Monique Webber, Sue Guzman, Sophie Swadron, Steven James, Richard Nugent
Non Members- Regina, Daniel Hayden, George T.
- Weekly Wins- LSAT members discussed various successes during virtual learning for students, professionals and parents.
- Data Review- K. Brady reviewed results of the MOY Dibels, I-Ready and IRC assessments. Trends show improvement (BOY vs MOY) in total students in below proficiency levels. African American, ELL and Sped scores remain a focus. K Brady to compare SY19-20 vs SY 20-21 to see if MOY results are typical.
- Budget Comparison and Review-Principal C review the budget process for the LSAT board. The SY 20-21 budget is showing a (- 173k) difference in funding compared to the SY 19-20 budget/model. Increased wages and the addition of full time psychologists are large contributors to the decrease. The LSAT is currently reviewing the information for a suggestion of the budget allocations.
- C is currently petitioning to have $22k of the security reallocated for use in SY 20/21. Currently, the funds will not be able to roll over to next year.
- Principal C is requesting LSAT to take a broad look at the needs of our community based on the data presented. He requested budget suggestions are made with our community of providing a great education in the most equitable way.
Next Meeting March 1st, 2021 5:45pm. Link to be sent.
Meeting Adjourned 7:32pm
Meeting Notes | Feb. 9, 2021 at 5:45pm| Zoom Meeting
In Attendance: K. Dresbach, S. Guzman, M. Garcia, M. Webber, C. Cebrzynski, D. Kiyvyra, K. Crabtree, S. Borak, R. Nugent, K. Brady, D. Tatalovich, S. James (Non LSAT Members Regina, Cydonie)
Not in Attendance: S. Schwadron
- Wins for the week- (Teacher) Students appear to be adjusting well to the Covid 19 safety procedures throughout the school. (Spacing, hallway etiquette etc). (Teacher)- Students remaining virtual have shown tremendous flexibility in dealing with the change of a hybrid model. (Parent) Students returning to PreK experiencing a pleasant transition in person. (Parent) Murch community & outside support groups were very helpful in reducing anxiety for students returning in person learning model.
- East Ed Update - East Ed affinity groups have been meeting regularly. Murch Equity Team has been meeting weekly with the East Ed team. The Murch Equity Team is currently looking for dates for staff professional development around East Ed training. Mr. C to assess the feedback and provide a decision for next steps for PD training.
- A Mutual Aid network is being explored in conjunction with Ward 3 initiative. The premise of the Mutual Aid initiative is “everyone has needs”. The purpose of the program is to provide various resources that could prove beneficial for the community.
- Special Education- Special Education and IEP updates for parents will come to parents through the student’s case manager. DCPS guidance and updates will come to Mr. C. Special Education meets weekly to ensure updated information is considered for standard operating procedures.
- Communication and Relationship Building- LSAT team currently accessing the effectiveness of communication to the Murch community. Considerations of additional include Zoom Meetings, Glow and Grow moments, Grade level meetings.
- Delivery of the Murch 2021-2022 budget set for arrival on or around 11th, 2021.
- Richard Nugent moves to vote for the budget meeting in a closed session format due to the sensitivity of the nature of the budget meeting. The vote was tabled for the next meeting. LSAT members asked to ensure they are aware of the guidelines for a closed meeting. LSAT members were asked for flexibility in \availability due to the time sensitive nature of the budgeting process.
Meeting adjourned 7:02pm
Next LSAT MEETING: Topic: Budgeting Process Feb 23, 2021 05:45 PM Eastern Time
Meeting ID: 875 4645 2920
Passcode: YtNE9y
Meeting Notes | January 5, 2021 at 5:45pm | Zoom Meeting
Attendance: In Attendance: Katelyn Brady, Dave Kiyvyra, Sandra Borak, Amy, Bidget Lilley, Chris Cebrzynski, Corrie, Kelly Crabtree, Mary Garcia, Monique Webber, Sue Guzman, Sophie Swadron, Steven James, Richard Nugent
Not in Attendance: Stephanie Harrington
- Weekly Wins- LSAT members discussed various successes during virtual learning for students, professionals and parents.
- Projected Enrollment- summary of projection shows a reduction of 49 students for SY 2019-2020. Initial DCPS SY 2021-2022 projection allowed for 606 enrolled students. Murch leadership submitted a request for an adjustment of the projection to 646 students. Final agreement was a projected enrollment of 614 students. LSAT will make budget recommendations based on 614 students enrolled for SY 2021-2022.
- Term 3 Reopening- Reopen Corps and Mr. C have concluded their series of meetings and made recommendations to DCPS for the reintroduction to an in-person option at Murch Elementary. DCPS has empowered schools to make recommendations based on the needs of the population of the individual school. Term 3 is set to reopen with an in-person option for grades PK4-5th. Survey is being developed to understand the needs of the Murch community for the reopen process. Students will be prioritized based on DCPS’s requisites to service the most vulnerable populations first.
- Multiple variables are being considered for the final model (demand, amount of family responses to survey, etc).
- C to set up communication of the reintroduction to the Murch community. Teachers to push out initial communication of Term 3 plan on January 6th.
Meeting Adjourned 7:05pm
Meeting Notes | December 1, 2020 at 5:45pm | Zoom Meeting
In Attendance: Katelyn Brady, Dave Kiyvyra, Amy, Bidget Lilley, Chris Cebrzynski, Corrie, Kelly Crabtree, Mary Garcia, Monique Webber,Sue Guzman, Sophie Swadron, Steven James, Richard Nugent
Not in Attendance: Stephanie Harrington, Sandra Borak
- Dave K opens the meeting asking for notable wins of the virtual learning platform for the week. Schwadron (Attendance based) , Sue Gunzman (Community Outreach based), and Kelly Crabtree (Participation based) gave examples of some areas of success.
- Parental Virtual Support Groups being explored for needs outside of HSA efforts (Devices, Information Sharing Initiatives). Dave K requests for school administration and teachers to include suggestions for achievement level enhancement for students over the winter break. This effort would become a part of teacher “check ins” currently scheduled for the last 3 weeks of December.
- Sue Guzman will head up a brainstorming session for LSAT members for ideas to support outreach efforts to the Murch community.
- Mary Garcia made a request to offer additional resources for families for learning materials and resources (fundations, Eureka Math, manipulatives, Etc). Katelyn Brady to post additional resources on Basecamp as well.
- Reopen Survey- Responses to the survey resulted in 64 percent participation. Consistency and Safety were the top priority of responses. Participant request for reopening (243 request to return in person, 150 intend to remain virtual, 17 other)
- 75% of the survey respondents stated their students do not receive Special Education Services, in contrast to the initial DCPS initiative for Reopen Strong focus groups.
- ReOpen Community Corp has been established and selected parents have been notified. The group’s first meeting was November 24 with a follow up meeting scheduled on Dec 2nd, 2020.
- C has assembled a diverse focus group of stakeholders from various backgrounds, consisting of teachers, parents and administration. The committee is tasked with developing In-person learning models for Term 3. Communication of the developments and decisions will be presented to the Murch community through announcements, emails and newsletter.
- SY 2021-2022 enrollment budgeting process to begin next LSAT meeting. Enrollment projections will be used to create budget recommendations. Current formulas for budget development are currently being assessed by DCPS for measurement of the impact of COVID 19 vs prior year enrollment.
Meeting Adjourned 7:00pm
Next meeting TBD
Meeting Notes | November 17, 2020 at 5:45pm| Zoom
In Attendance: Katelyn Brady, Dave Kiyvyra, Amy, Chris Cebrzynski, Dan Tatalovich, Kelly Crabtree, Mary Garcia, Monique Webber, Sandra Borak, Sue Guzman, Sophie Swadron, Steven James, Richard Nugent, George T.
Not in Attendance: Stephanie Harrington
Meeting Start: 5:49pm
- Kiyvyra- Adjustment of original agenda original agenda items to create time for discussion of Term 3 development. Comprehensive Plan discussion will be discussed at a next LSAT meeting.
- Beginning of the Year (BOY) testing (DIBELS, TRC, RTI) results data shared on Basecamp. Although results show areas below target in some areas, trends are on target based on prior year BOY results. Consideration given for impact of emergency virtual learning model at the end of SY 19-20.
- Brady offered clarification for the current school strategy for addressing challenges for literacy and math challenges. Flow chart was introduced to LSAT to provide a visual of the approach various levels of intervention (Tiers I, II, III)
- Current trends of three populations (African Americans, EL, and SPED) remain a focus for anecdotal solutions. MOY results will provide necessary information for the path of correction.
- Garcia recommended an initiative to coach parents as to how they can support their students during virtual learning. LSAT to give additional suggestions to support a form of this plan and present to the committee as a whole for further review including the possibility of HSA funded efforts to extend communication/outreach in a non traditional way.
- Introduction of Reopen Corps- Mr. C is seeking a group to explore and imagine what reopening would look like for Murch in Term 3. More information to come. Basecamp will serve as a communication hub as more details become
Meeting adjourned 7:29pm
Meeting Notes | October 28, 2020 at 8pm | Zoom Meeting
In Attendance: Katelyn Brady, Dave Kiyvyra, Amy Gray, Bridget Lilley, Chris Cebrzynski, Corrie Deegan, Dan Tatalovich, Daniel Hayden, Heather Kuduk-Hsu, Kim Dresbach, Kelly Crabtree, Lauren Miller, Maria Garcia, Monique Webber, Sandra Borak, Sue Guzman, Sophie Schwadron, Steven James, Richard Nugent, Regina Bell, Monica Davis
Not in Attendance: All Members Present
- Teacher Survey- “Teacher feedback for Term 2” survey had 94% participation. “Lack of trust in DCPS plan” and “Medical Health reason” serve as the lead causes of personal concerns for teachers according to the teacher issued survey. The DCPS plan and execution are very much still in question.
- Murch teachers are awaiting clear understanding for staffing standards and rollout for Cares Classes. Concerns include background checks, education, and experience of hired staff. Early childhood requirements and procedures also in question and staff is awaiting guidance from DCPS.
- Online services for IEP, SpED and Occupational therapies to remain online.
- Guzman requests clear and concise information for LSAT members to disseminate information to the Murch community. All members in agreement.
- Teachers that have made requests to refrain from being considered, are required to submit medical forms to DCPS to support their claim.
- Parents of LSAT have considered a survey to gather information for this Reopen Strong process. Mr. C will remain the main source of communication in his weekly meeting to discuss updates. Additional communication formats and community engagement are being explored by LSAT.
- Teachers strongly encourage the community to continue to review the DCPS Reopen Strong Term 2 and areas of concern. Teachers would like to see support by communicating with public officials the findings of their critique of the Reopen Strong Plan.
- Initial placement for in person learning has been completed based on DCPS guidelines. Students on waitlist to be contacted for additional placement for in person learning.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43pm
Next meeting November 10, 2020 5:45pm