HSA President Sue Guzman called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM on February 8, 2017 in the media center of Murch Elementary School at Murch UDC.
- Executive Board Members present: Sue Guzman (President), Meredith Grindrod (Teacher Representative), Chris Cebrzynski (Principal), Brendan Holland (Secretary), Maurice Werner (Budget and Planning Chair), Nisa Gosselink-Ulep (asst-Treasurer, Purchaser), Sharon Bennett (Treasurer), Maura Healy (asst-Treasurer), Ron Eckstein (VP), and Maggie Gumbinner (former HSA co-President).
Other Members in Attendance: Jessica Regan and Elisa O’Keefe (Auction co-chairs).
- Principal’s Report – Mr. Cebrzynski
- Mr. C. reported on various current events. New DCPS Chancellor started Feb 1.; Mr. C. and administrators will be meeting with him later in the month and have invited him to Murch for Read Across America Day in early March. The day celebrates reading, but toned down a bit this year, invite some special guest readers into the classroom. Sue confirmed that HSA will provide hospitability support for that day, so we’ll provide snacks and drinks. A few UDC professors, police, firefighters, secret service, city council folks, etc., to come celebrate reading. Also have partnerships with a couple of Embassies that we could reach out to as well. Finalizing list at the end of next week and teachers are preparing as well.Three upcoming events: 1.) The Spring play is scheduled for June 2nd, it will be the Lion King at the UDC theater. 2.) Science Fair is scheduled for March 30th, and a bit different this year, in part because of space. It will be voluntary, not mandatory; it will be held in the bubble. 3.) Immediately prior to the next two HSA meeting nights we’ll be having parent meetings to talk about PARC tests and the SEM (school-wide enrichment model).
Mr. C. also reported that the budget process will start at the end of February with allocation from DCPS, and Murch must submit a reply to the budget by March 15. LSAT is involved, identifying the needs of the school and students, and providing input to Mr. C. to set priorities. LSAT meetings are open and we’ll have at least one or two before the budget reply is due. Short time frame to turn around input for DCPS. One issue is that the projected enrollment for next year is less than we have right now. This could potentially result in a reduction in budget, but with same faculty. So supplies, custodians, support, tech, etc., would have to be adjusted instead. The school administration has responded with a projection of 30 students above the current level, but unclear if DCPS will accept the higher projection. Also questions about additional funding that may be earmarked for other needs in the school system and may not have additional funds beyond the school’s annual budget. Mr. C. will also be looking to coordinate with the HSA budget chair to discuss HSA’s support and the balance between DCPS budget and what HSA can support.
Maggie encouraged participation on the Budget Committee, as it’s important and addresses how the HSA spends money to support the school. LSAT also coordinates to help inform HSA budget team to make recommendations.
- President’s Report – Sue Guzman
Update on By-laws Compliance– Following up on the discussion from last meeting, Sue reported she is still working to connect with the attorney to potentially hire to help us with the by-laws compliance. Hope to connect and report back next meeting.
- Treasurer’s Report – Sharon Bennett
Sharon provided the Treasurer’s report. Business license has been renewed and the agent changed to Joanna. But we were unfortunately the victim of credit card fraud. The HSA credit card number seems to have been used internationally, but we halted the charges and worked with the credit card company so it is all resolved.With respect to the monthly numbers, we’re still facing a shortage on SOS, but we’re actually ahead of where we were last year at this time. There was a big push last year after the auction in April of 2016. So we ended in a better place last year, but as of right now we’re projected to come in under our projected goal for the SOS campaign. Discussion ensued about the timing of further SOS pushes this year and balancing messaging and communications with the Auction.Sharon also highlighted that on the income statement the Talent Show and Lip Sync (which is March 9th) have been pulled from the misc. fundraising category. Helpful to see what we are netting from each of those events specifically. They are actually generating some revenue and could be helpful to track these events separately.Discussion ensued regarding the spring musical and generating the revenue to support the musical. It’s anticipated that ticket sales, pizza sales, sponsorships and ads in the program, and a participation fee for students.
- Old Business
- Update on Spring Auction. Jessica Regan and Elisa O’Keefe, the auction co-chairs, provided an update on the planning for the Spring Auction. $13k of the $25k budget is already committed for Washington Hebrew and C2 (auction support services). The planning has kicked off with a Dining-Out Chair and a Solicitation Chair, and working on getting a Chair for the live auction, and looking for an MC. Discussed the need to find someone to serve as the live auction master of ceremonies. Also discussed need for more get-aways and vacation-type items. Discussed the need for volunteers the day of; planning of food/catering; and working on numbers for food and beverage. Ticket sales are set up and hard copy invitations and newsletter inserts are set to go later this spring. Sue encouraged folks to attend the build-a-wine-cellar party.
- Renovation Update. Ron gave a brief update and a brief discussion ensued regarding the progress on the renovation and the breaking of ground for the cafeteria. Work is progressing, and planning for the play ground layout and outdoor spaces is continuing.
- Murch Movie Morning – Ron provided an update on the planning for a morning movie Sunday April 2nd at the Avalon. Options were a bit limited for the spring and could have some potential conflicts with sports (Avalon seems to have more options in the fall). Some concern about attendance and interest, but will try it and promote it to encourage participation. Contract will be coming to Sue. Maybe put options in the Friday folder to let students/families vote on the movie (advertising and participation). Seem to be many good options available from which to choose. Admission will be free, but concessions will be run by Avalon (and be at normal cost). Hoping to get at least 300 attendees.
- Employee Handbook. Discussed further issues related to the Employee handbook for aides employed by the HSA. Discussed the need to clarify policy holidays and sick leave, and to track the time and apply policy consistently.
- New Business
Sue adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.