Have you ever thought about participating in Girl Scouts? There are currently two troops of Murch students (one Daisy troop of 1st graders, and one Brownie troop of 2-3rd graders, but Scouting is open to kids K-12) with plans to open more if there is interest!
If you’re curious to read more about what Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital is and does, click here (including resources in other languages here). To date, our scouts have grown their confidence and interpersonal skills through creating art, learning cultural songs and dances, hiking, investigating and practicing personal safety skills, building their own stuffed animals, investigating water conservation, and are preparing to visit a local mechanic to study engineering. Although individuals are welcome to register for Girl Scouts at any time through the local council website, we have had great experiences in building and deepening relationships for our scouts through the formation of troops within our Murch community.
If you are interested in joining Girl Scouts, please contact Kassi Chappell (Kindergarten & 1st grade mom and Daisy Troop Leader) to help us coordinate our numbers. She can answer any questions you may have and put you in touch with the corresponding age level leaders.