Members Absent: Valerie Mallett
- Principal’s Report (Mr. C. gave the following report and then left the meeting to prepare for tonight’s Parent Information Session on Assessments)
- ___
- Enrollment:
- Community Rep: LSAT did not have one last year but agree this position could provide valuable perspective. Possible ideas that were floated were a teacher at another school (either elementary, or middle school), or a teacher at a preschool that feeds into Murch.
- General Discussion on Topics for LSAT to Tackle this Year
- Intervention
- Need information on what the current program is; need training for general ed teachers on how to support the intervention in the classroom.
- Limited numbers being pulled now. There is greater need and teachers would like to expand the groups.
- How are we addressing math deficits?
- iReady training tomorrow. DC purchased system for K–‐8
- Additional support options, such as after school? What are the additional gaps?
- Teacher training/collaboration time
- Next week trying new schedule that will allow each grade a half day.
- On days with no recess that will be long days; change in schedules are very difficult.
- Some teachers using this week to do nontraditional instructional things such as parent–‐let art instruction.
- Teachers getting vague/conflicting information on how they will be able to use the 3 hour block.
- Tremendous demands on teachers time this year. Makes it difficult to appreciate and maximize this opportunity. Would be much better appreciated if it didn’t replace other planning time. Also should we look at other scheduling items to free up more teacher time, like not covering recess every day.
- Instructional Coaches
- How is this investment working this year? What are their responsibilities.
- Technology
- How will Murch embrace/respond to the technology challenges coming our way?
- Intervention
- Parent Information Night on Assessments: Following LSAT meeting, the school hosted a parent information night on assessments.