- Executive Board Members present: Sue Guzman (President), Meredith Grinrod (Teacher Representative), Chris Cebrzynski (Principal), Ron Eckstein (VP), Brendan Holland (Secretary), Selena Fox (Treasurer), Sharon Bennett (asst-Treasurer), Maura Healy (asst-Treasurer), Stephanie Owens (Personnel), Joanna Brown (VP), and Amy Mack (Communications).Other Members in Attendance: Nisa Gosselink-Ulep (Purchaser), Christine LoCascio, Katelyn Fitzpatrick, JoAnna Graham, and Karissa Kovner.
- Approval of prior minutes – Brendan Holland
Brendan presented the minutes for three prior meetings, May 24, June 10, and September 21, which had been posted on BaseCamp for review, and sought the board’s approval.Brendan made a motion that the Board ratify the minutes for the May 24th, Jun 10th, and September 21st meetings as the official record of those respective meetings. Sharon seconded the motion, there was no objection, and the motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
- Principal’s Report – Mr. Cebrzynski
- Mr. C. reported on various current events.
- The administration is continuing to address and refine the enrichment program. Continuing to work on the intervention and enrichment periods, including a survey to faculty and aides to see how things are going and to guide improvements to the program. Also intends to conduct small focus groups with students. Math in particular is an important area, as he wants to broaden base of students that are being challenged in math and seek to accelerate students in math.
- Work continues on Murch’s physical plant. The playground is built and students are using it now. Face a need to potentially reshuffle the times for recesses a bit now that the playground is built and the field is back in use.
- Begun to use the UDC Gym from 12-2 PM, but we don’t have classes scheduled during that time, so continuing to work with UDC.
- Mr. C. thanked the HSA for the teacher grant program. Some great programs and ideas have been promoted by the teachers, which have received complete funding by the HSA. Some things may actually be provided by DCPS, so the grant program has coordinated and worked to apply the grant funds appropriately.
- Mr. C. noted there’s been lots of positive feedback on the Fall Fair and Movie Night. Important to keep the community feel and our culture/climate.
- Sue noted that Coffee on the Playground will be coming back once a month starting in November. Ron mentioned that we may try to do another movie night or matinee, potentially at the Avalon. Brief discussion ensued about ways to encourage community building and activities we could do, including fun run or 5k.
- President’s Report – Sue Guzman
- SIT Update– Christine LoCascio gave an update from the SIT. A meeting was held with DGS and DCPS and the builder on Oct. 6th, and a community meeting on Oct. 13th, which was lightly attended. Some concerns at the community meeting related to UDC and the gym. With respect to the Murch renovation, Christine noted the following top issues (which were presented in order of discussion during the SIT meeting, not necessarily in order of priority).
- Presentation from landscape architect about trees and landscaping. Many trees will be saved along Reno, but some will be lost or moved to accommodate the adjusted building plan. A fair bit of earth has to be moved and the site regarded as well.
- Bio-retention area was discussed along the new side of the building, could also potential be a learning feature.
- Not to the point yet of having a detailed discussion re: playground equipment.
- Builders have received permits for internal demolition and they are now moving ahead. Work crews there now. There is also a haz-mat component, so another group that will certify that it is being done appropriately. Starting rat abatement now in anticipation of the rat problem as soon as demo begins, and they’ve already started to work on it.
- Discussions with faculty about classrooms and the differing needs of various rooms and facilities. More discussions with the teachers as things progress. Current focus on attached/permanent facilities. Also discussing specifics on bathrooms and facilities.
- Tower crane will not be there until early next year. Entryway to the site will be the same for now off, of Davenport, but once the crane is there it will move to Ellicott. Busses will most likely be moved accordingly to Davenport, perhaps across Reno, or still on 36th
- They will also have security at the site. The construction will proceed 7 AM-7PM Mon-Fri and weekends as needed (they will have/need a separate permit for weekend work).
- Presentations are posted online along with the powerpoints and schematics. C. expressed that the builders were being responsive to teacher needs/input.
- Still have yet to determine the soccer field and basketball court(s) size and layout.
- Teacher Directed Enhancement Grants – Joanna Brown reported on the grant committee. Meeting last week and lots of good proposals, fell into three categories: HSA grant program; Paddles Up (swing space issues, storage, bookshelves); and things that could be covred by DCPS (rugs, pencil sharpeners, etc.). Things that have been approved for the grants and Paddles Up will get to Nisa for purchasing. Once organized into buckets, the funding will be expended to covered the grants, for a total of a little over $7,000 (without shipping and taxes). Potentially eaves enough for a second round of grants.Some of the storage and organization may not be able to be moved or reused at the new school, but these are important for the teachers for the next two school years. Could potentially discuss what these things are and what they will cost at the November meeting. Concerns were expressed about potentially purchasing items for temporary usage and ensuring that we’re spending wisely. About $8,900 left in Paddles Up.Maggie reported that there was money remaining from the “Fill the Gaps” paddle’s up fundraising from one of the earlier year (2014), and it might be better to spend that money down first. The remaining funds from that paddle’s up may cover the current round of enhancement grants. Will sort it out, but there is money there we can potentially use.
- Budget Report
- Financial report for 2015-2016 Budget – JoAnna Graham. JoAnna reported on the financials from the fiscal year ending as of June 2016. The Auditors review the numbers but do not perform a full audit, that is not what we contract for (a full audit is very expensive).
- Expenses versus revenue: Revenue was $323k in 2016 down a bit from the prior (and shortened) year, which was down slightly from the prior year because of reduced income from the SOS campaign. Expenses were up for personnel; it accounted for approximately $300k of the 2015-2016 budget year, whereas in prior years it was closer to $250k. In part, this is because we made additional hires from the prior years, which accounts for this change. Moved substantial portion of reserves to Technology and renovation set aside.
- JoAnna reported on the equity assets of the HSA versus assets that are set aside. Prior years the equity assets were in the range of $145k, and they were down in 2015-2016 to about $75k. Reduction in funds that have not been specified for a particular use.
- JoAnna will post the financial report on BaseCamp for review/consideration.
- Discussion ensued about the school’s DCPS budget process and changes going forward based on enrollment projection. Previously, Murch had estimated the school would have approximately 600 students, and we now have about 578.
- Projected budget for 2016-17 – Sue Guzman (in lieu of a Budget and Planning Chair) presented the proposed budget for 2016-2017. Sue distributed materials from the May HSA budget meeting and offered the proposed budget to the board as the proposed budget for this year. Among the changes reflected in the proposed budget are a few new purchases such as off-budget spending for student planners and funding basic school supplies for which parents previously paid. Last year’s board anticipated the relocation and renovation and reduced some of the income lines to adjust for reduced student population. In addition, changes were made to the spring musical in anticipation that it would be organized and funded differently this year. See the budget memo and related materials for further specifics.
- New Business.
- Update on Fall Fair—Sue Guzman. Sue reported on the Fall Fair, thanking the volunteers, and noting that the board and community should be proud of the successful event, which faced multiple challenges, including space, staffing, and volunteers. The turn out was high, the spending within budget, and the weather wonderful. Preliminary tally reflects that the revenue exceeded projections.
- Sue distributed a budget report on the Fair and noted that expenses and revenue from the “Keep Calm” tee shirts went under the misc. fundraising and not included in the Fall Fair totals.
- Sue also extended a big “thank you” to Liz Haine stepped into the breach three weeks out and really pulled a lot of it together with Maggie Boyes.
- Movie Night – Ron Eckstein. Ron reported that Movie Night faced some issues and moved inside because of the wind and potential for rain, which was a good decision. Chairs were lined around the perimeter of the bubble with kids filling the floor of the bubble. It was very well attended. Had a bit of a problem with the popcorn tasting funny, and we had to forego the popcorn, but the company was apologetic and refunded that cost. Overall it was a good event and would hope to do it again.
- Treasurer’s Report on Sept. Financials – Selena Fox.
- Selena presented budget report as of last week. Expenses in September of $26,478, and in October (so far) of $15,789. Noted that the credit card have monthly limits. Briefly discussed the fact that the line items that have been spent down so they can be removed from the budget.
- Discussion ensued about the 5th grade promotion line items and remaining funds from a prior year. Some were intended for specific gifts to the school, but gotten away from that idea a bit. Discussed ways to spend those down.
- Selena discussed the reserves and expenses. Some of which we’ve already discussed, such as Paddles Up and Set aside for Revenue. Also reported on income from Fall Fair, which Sue touched on earlier. For the month, payroll, Fall Fair, and insurance were the big expenditures.
- Old Business
- Update on Paddles Up spending – Already discussed in context of earlier discussions.
- Teacher Parking – Sue Guzman. Sue updated on the current efforts to secure more parking for the teachers. Seeking to augment the 25 parking spaces that UDC has made available to Murch as part of the Memorandum of Understanding with DCPS. However, there are still roughly 30 teachers and staff without parking and the school is seeking options to secure parking for the remaining faculty and staff. Parking in the neighborhood is difficult and problematic. And UDC will not make any more spots available, even for additional payment. UDC claims that their student body needs the spaces, and with the university’s own demands they feel they don’t have room. Discussing with Mary Cheh’s office and trying to come up with options. Sue has explored nearby parking options, but which have not proven to be economically feasible. Wants to make sure that we exhaust all possible options. Mary Cheh has responded to Sue and suggested that teachers could try to get DDOT hang tags (which sometimes work); because it’s a temporary need this might be helpful. Also wants to see if UDC will work with us to give more spots or at least sell more spots. Another possibility is community members donating 3F visitor parking passes. Mary Cheh’s office seems willing to help explore options.Further discussion ensued, including whether efforts (and possible expenditures of HSA funds) are within the scope of the HSA’s mission and by-laws, and relationship between board and DCPS and teachers and DCPS.The board agreed that the issue of staff parking is an important issue that we will continue to track going forward as it is important to the teachers and school. Continue to consider and explore options for ameliorating.
Brendan adjourned the meeting at 8:55 PM.