- Executive Board Members present: Sue Guzman (President), Meredith Grinrod (Teacher Representative), Chris Cebrzynski (Principal), Ron Eckstein (VP), Brendan Holland (Secretary), Maggie Gumbinner (Former President), Sharon Bennett (asst-Treasurer), Frances Wu (Ways and Means), Joanna Brown (VP), Stephanie Owens (Personnel), Maura Healy (asst-Treasurer), Amy Mack (Communications), and Selena Fox (Treasurer).Other Members in Attendance: Nisa Gosselink-Ulep (Purchaser), Lisa Burke (Chair of SIT), Elijah Marentette, Jennifer Leon, Ramahi Rupartarm, Keltie Hawkins, Rosanna DeMammos, and Evy Mages
- Procedure for approval of prior minutes – Brendan HollandBrendan discussed the use of BaseCamp by the Board to exchange and review materials including financials and documents, such as the draft minutes from prior meetings and proposed agendas for future meetings. Also discussed the process the Board will strive to follow for posting draft minutes and agendas in advance of the monthly meeting so the Board has a chance to review and edit before the meeting.
The Board and attendees also went around the room and introduced themselves.
- Principal’s Report – Mr. Cebrzynski
- Mr. C. thanked the HSA for its generosity entering the new school year, particularly thanked the Board for food for the office staff during the first week, the t-shirts, funds to ramp up classrooms, etc.
- Mr. C. reported on various current events. Discussed the relationship with UDC and the ongoing conversation regarding UDC’s apparent failure to live up to the commitments made to DCPS and Murch in the memorandum of understanding (MOU). The students’ schedule has been modified as a result of UDC’s actions, so that the bubble can be used for both lunch and physical education. Currently, only grades 2 through 5 are eating lunch in the bubble as there is not enough time to accommodate lunch for all. Talks are currently ongoing between DCPS and UDC, including over the fact that the students no longer have access to the field. They had been using the field, but UDC has now decided to re-sod the field after DCPS’s extensive efforts to remediate the field, cut the overgrown grass, and spray for mosquitoes. The students will hopefully have access to the field in 4-6 weeks. Mr. C. remains hopeful that DCPS will also be able to resolve access to the UDC Gym by then. In the meantime, students will continue to have recess on the limited mulch space at the front of the school. Presently, Pre-K is using UDC’s playground.
Mr. C highlighted the fact that the school is working to develop a partnership with UDC faculty, which could result in some opportunities, including teaching opportunities and the ability to explore UDC projects like aquaponics. Currently in discussions related to STEM curriculum; having our art teacher get access to their Art studio; potentially getting tours of UDC’s rooftop garden, etc.Discussion ensued regarding the fact that DCPS is reviewing the MOU to figure out the school system’s rights and options to ensure that UDC will follow through with the commitments made in negotiating the MOU. For example, the MOU says we have access to gym, amphitheater, theater, etc., but in reality it has been difficult to obtain access. Mary Cheh’s office is engaged. DCPS will let us know what their conclusions are and how things will proceed. A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning (9/22) between UDC leadership and DCPS. Patrick Davis (who is in charge of the project for DCPS) is attending and will have an update to share with us hopefully later this week. Further discussion ensued regarding the relationship with UDC and ways to support the process between DCPS and UDC. - Credit and thanks to the staff for seamless start. Faculty morale seems good, despite a tough start to the year, and the teachers are gaining momentum.
- Proposal regarding aides and bus monitors. Previously, Mr. C has used flex schedules to great effect. Buses are working well, but the school had to handle and solve a lot of the logistics. Adults currently ride the bus along with the kids and he wants to continue to do that. Mr. C. is seeking flexibility to use the aides to ride the buses along with the kids and to have some aides ride in the AM and some in the PM. Suggesting a split of the aides’ time. No additional cost or time worked by aides; same total amount of weekly hours, but just wouldn’t be uniform for all. Suggestion was made to keep the work schedules uniform and to offer overtime to those aides who are willing to work. Could be for both HSA aides and DCPS aides. Currently only HSA aides ride the bus. Options seem to be to either standardize hours and allow voluntary overtime, or shift some of the aides’ daily tour of duty.Discussion ensued and it was clarified that Mr. C. is not proposing overtime, but rather just seeking flex time to cover consistently. The Board agreed to continue to discuss in order to determine how best to proceed.
- Presidents’ Report – Sue Guzman
- Approval of Board Chairs- Sue formally proposed the following slate of people as chairs of HSA committees:
Stephanie Owens – Personnel
Amy Mack – Communications
Frances Wu – Ways and Means
Budget and Planning (still vacant)
Sue made a motion that the board approve this slate of chairs. Ron seconded the motion and the Board approved by unanimous voice vote. - Representative to LSAT – Sue discussed that the Board needs to appoint a representative to the LSAT. It was explained that the LSAT is the local school advisory team that works with Mr. C. and makes recommendations for academics. Traditionally an HSA board member fills the role as rep to the LSAT, which meets the last Wednesday of the month, at 5:30 PM, usually no longer than 1.5 hrs. LSAT is composed of Board rep, teachers, Mr. C., and community rep. The Board will work to find a member willing to be the rep.
- SIT Update – Lisa Burke reported on a variety of items from the SIT. DCPS hopes to complete the playground in early Oct. As Mr. C. noted, the students will no longer have access to the field for approximately six weeks following UDC’s resodding. Insulation for the bubble is arriving and should be installed by Oct. 2nd; also working on water infiltration issue. Adding new security at front gate by Oct 10th, which will allow the gates to be locked during the day and the office/security guards to buzz people in.The SIT got to see the new design for Murch, which is being submitted to the Commission for Fine Arts for the October meeting. The architects took to heart the concerns of the SIT and community. The parking garage is there but will be smaller (25 spaces), this has helped with cost savings. Trying to get DDOT parking on 36th street. Lisa noted that the SIT has suggested that they work with DDOT re: signs for busses on Davenport, and potentially there will be teacher parking there in the future. The revised design and minutes of the meeting will be posted online so folks can see. SIT is confident that the school will have all space they need, no pullout in halls, cafeteria is back in, trash and entrance are still on Reno (which likely won’t change). Many changes to design for garage, and including removing trees. Talks on signage, concept idea for the grounds, which will be the topic of the next meeting. Planners are now talking to Mr. C and teachers about the interior of the building. Normal gym on ground level. Everything that we want/need is there, so they’re on to colors, smart boards, etc.
In response to the question of when we can expect to see construction at Murch, Lisa reported that not all permits have been received, but the are beginning to remove old trailers and beginning internal work on existing building, and then will proceed as the permits get approved. No concern on their part that it will be longer than two years. LEED gold for the design. Big part is storm water recapture and green roofs, and a swale. Lot of permeable surfaces. Previously, maintenance expenditures haven’t been fully part of DGS’s contracts for the schools. Lots of work for the green roof, and we’re making sure that they maintain it going forward.Things are moving along. This was the first big meeting in a while and making progress. SIT seems pleased and believes it has succeeded in getting what we need.
- HSA event dates approved by UDC — Sue
• Oct 15th Fall Fair, Dennard Plaza. Still trying to get the Conn avenue plaza space too.
• Movie Night Oct 21st in the UDC amphitheater. Working on rain check plans - Update of Teacher-Directed Enhancement Grants. Joanna provided an update on teacher enhancement grants. HSA sets aside money for grants to enhance learning in the classroom. Sept. 13th was the deadline, received 22 or 23 submitted, and exceeds budget we’ve allocated. Working through the requests now and working to approve and allocate funds.
- Treasurer’s Report – Selena Fox
- Review of summer swing space expenditures billed to Paddles Up. Selena reported on various expenditures for the current space and using funds from Paddles Up. Food truck for coffee, t-shirts, temp staff to assist teachers before school. Discussed the fact that Paddles Up has to be spent on these types of expenditure, but the renovation set aside doesn’t have to be used, it is a set aside and could be reabsorbed into the general fund. Set asides are not reserves earmarked only for a particular use.Three others expenditures for Paddles Up: 1.) Responsive classrooms, sending three teachers for training; 2.) expenses for school year prep; and 3.) hospitality for beginning of school food events.
Selena provided a general report on the balance sheet and current financials, and circulated copies of same. Quick summary for purposes of first meeting, but plans to deliver a more detailed treasury report at the October meeting.
Maggie questioned whether the 2014 Paddles Up had actually been spent down. Will talk to JoAnna Graham to confirm. Also noted that line items that we’ve finished will be dropped from the balance sheet. - Motion to add Purchaser as an official board position. Issue has come up that it’s not an official board position, so the suggestion has been made to add it as a board position. Discussion ensued that to add a board position we need to amend the by-laws and have a vote by the full membership. Maggie recounted some of the history of the purchaser position. In the past the HSA made the decision to not make it a board position, nor to make it a board chair, just a volunteer position like chair of auction or fall fair. Further discussion ensued regarding the fact that the purchaser acts at direction of the Board and has purchasing power and whether it raises any concern with accountability. Wanted to make sure that we discussed the issue. Maggie noted that other positions, like auction chair, etc., have similar purchasing power. Maggie noted that the recommendation of the nominating committee at the time was that it not be a board position or a chair position.Discussion ensued regarding insurance, ramifications of both adding to the board and not. Also discussed protocols and approvals for spending, also assist in budgeting and accounting to track spending.
- Review of summer swing space expenditures billed to Paddles Up. Selena reported on various expenditures for the current space and using funds from Paddles Up. Food truck for coffee, t-shirts, temp staff to assist teachers before school. Discussed the fact that Paddles Up has to be spent on these types of expenditure, but the renovation set aside doesn’t have to be used, it is a set aside and could be reabsorbed into the general fund. Set asides are not reserves earmarked only for a particular use.Three others expenditures for Paddles Up: 1.) Responsive classrooms, sending three teachers for training; 2.) expenses for school year prep; and 3.) hospitality for beginning of school food events.
- Old Business. None.
- New Business
- Change October Board Meeting to 10/19 – Going to change to October 19th to accommodate Yom Kippur.
- Music Teacher Eugene Branch’s reimbursement request – Mr. Branch made an expenditure for the microphone for back to school night and also equipment for the keyboard in the music room (which was not completely functional). He put through the reimbursement after the fact. Mr. C. can handle with DCPS budget so it will become school property and can come out of the music budget. Sharon will forward documentation to Mary Eckstein.
- Fall Fair Chair – Liz Haines now heading the effort, with Maggie Boys continuing to help.
- Discussion regarding Teacher/staff parking at UDC – About 25 teachers still don’t have parking. Many have gotten tickets. Question was raised as to whether the HSA should cover the difference and pay for parking for those teachers who do not have it. The estimated cost for parking for 25 teachers for the remainder of the year is approximately $6,000. Discussion ensued about whether the HSA should pay for the parking, or whether DCPS should handle as this is an issue related to what DCPS negotiated with UDC under the MOU. Question was raised as to whether the teachers’ union is involved, but Ms. Grinrod noted that there is not a current union rep and so the union has not yet been approached.
- Fees for Spelling Bee– Entrance fee for the spelling bee, $200 or so. Sue threw it out there and no one objects to spending it.Sue adjourned the meeting at 9:05 PM.
- Approval of Board Chairs- Sue formally proposed the following slate of people as chairs of HSA committees:
Archives for September 2016
September 28, 2016 LSAT Minutes
Present: Chris Cebrzynski, Alicia Garfinkel, Aaron Hanna, Sarah Heist, Emily Kallaur, Lauren Miller, Richard Nugent, Vicki Otten, and Adam Riggs
The meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM and members introduced themselves to each other. Alicia Garfinkel was nominated and confirmed as secretary for the year.
Principal Chris Cebrzynski updated the group on the transition to Murch-UDC and other back-to-school issues:
- Enrollment is currently 574 students.
- School administration and DCPS are continuing discussions with UDC regarding use of the soccer field and gym, and construction of the playground.
- The Comprehensive School Plan will be shared with the LSAT by next week.
- Demolition/abatement work is beginning on the permanent Murch campus and according to the project management team it is on schedule for completion for the 2018-19 school year.
- Murch now has a nurse on site 4 days per week instead of 5 days due to programmatic changes by DOH.
Mr. Cebrzynski emphasized that he would appreciate the LSAT’s concrete input into ways to make Murch academic programs as successful as possible. The group discussed key themes and agenda items for the year:
- LEAP is in the earliest stage of implementation but will be an important program to track. In November, Mr. Cebrzynski could invite a LEAP coach to join the LSAT meeting in order to provide insights into progress. In the spring, the LSAT could consider holding focus groups with teachers to get feedback on how useful the program has been from their perspective, and how it could be improved.
- PARCC scores and school satisfaction survey data from last year are already available and can be discussed at the October meeting. In October we will also discuss the Comprehensive School Plan, and with that framework in mind, develop a more specific plan for the LSAT to play as constructive a role as possible this year.
- Preliminary discussions about budget priorities for the 2017-18 school year will begin in November/January, with the bulk of the budget preparation work to happen in late February/early March.
- Other topics that may be discussed (list to be revised throughout the year) may include the piloting of departmentalization in 1st/2nd grade, how to engage/reach out to families that have not been active in the school community, special education programs, ELL, etc.
The LSAT will meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month (except in November, which will be the 5th Wednesday due to Thanksgiving). Meetings will be at 5:30 pm in the conference room as follows:
- Oct. 26
- Nov. 30
- Jan. 25
- Feb. 22
- Mar. 22
- Apr. 26
- May 24
The meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Builders have arrived–Murch@36th Street!
Construction will begin at Murch@36th Street! MCN Build, the contractor on the project, has begun securing the property. Demolition of the trailers and abatement work will take place over the next couple months as the plans for the new Murch move forward! This means that the playground now will be closed through construction. While we are sad to lose the community space, we are excited to begin watching as Murch finally gets modernized!