The LSAT (Local School Advisory Team) is an elected and appointed body that is mandated for every DCPS school. It consists of Murch staff, parents, and community members and advises the principal on matters of school policy. The purpose of the LSAT is to promote high expectations and high achievement for all students through strong partnerships between families and the school. Formerly known as the LSRT (Local School Restructuring Team), the LSAT collaborates with the principal on school policies, acting as a thought partner to help the school reach its academic goals.
Topics discussed by the LSAT include:
- overall school goals
- student progress
- implementation of DCPS academic policies
- curriculum options
- school culture
- family engagement
- allocation of resources
- teacher satisfaction
- professional development
Each year, the LSAT provides input into the creation of the school budget, serving as a sounding board for the principal. The LSAT aims to help surface concerns and ideas of the school community by bringing them to the attention of school leadership.
LSAT Members
Members of the LSAT serve one-year terms and include four teacher representatives, one non-instructional staff member, one Washington Teacher’s Union Building Representative, six parents of current students, and at times one community representative. A member of the Murch HSA is also chosen each year to serve as a liaison between the HSA and LSAT.
This year's LSAT members are:
- Teacher Representatives:
- Washington Teachers’ Union Building Representatives:
- Parent Representatives:
Please contact LSAT Chair, Emily Blake, with any concerns or agenda items.