Murch Elementary School LSAT Meeting
Date | time 9/16/2024 5:45 PM | Meeting called by LSAT Chairs
Meeting began at 5:46pm.
Attendance: Mr. Cebrzynski, Emily Blake, Dr. Eugene Branch, Allen Travitz, Tara Souza, Christina Esche, Raymond Pyle, Sam Fisk, Julia Simon, Kassi Chappell, Tim L, Allison D, Ali Register, Dena Kahn, Sarah Krauss
- Emily led with welcome, introductions, and quick ice breakers sharing bucket list items for the fall.
- Emily led us through a review of meeting norms.
- - Meetings typically 3rd Monday of each month from 5:45-7 pm held on
- - Members have all received the DCPS Guidelines for LSAT committees
and should keep that on-hand for future meetings
- - Members received link to LSAT Collective and should also review and
reference this site for meeting preparation
o Resourceforclarifyingissuesandtogetsupport/adviceforadvocacy
- - Ward 3 Council Member Matthew Frumin has an Education Council
which will be linked to on Basecamp
- - Members received via email and Basecamp LSAT Topics Year at a Glance
as additional reference for work this year
- - Mr. C added LSAT has ability to impact the school in a profound way
examining what is and what could be. Encourages committee to dig in, enjoy the challenges, embrace the conflict, move obstacles to opportunities to maximize benefit for the kids. LSAT is a safe place to share thoughts and voice.
- - LSAT works in partnership with HSA (HSA rep is Sarah K.)
- - Meetings typically 3rd Monday of each month from 5:45-7 pm held on
- Nominated and Elected Chairs and Secretary
- Tara Souza, Teacher Chair
- Emily Blake, Parent Chair
- Dena Kahn, Secretary
- Chairs will coordinate with Mr. C for meeting agendas, meeting materials,and meeting participation
- Additional LSAT position to fill: Community Representative: sendsuggestions to LSAT chairs
- Discussion of Sharing Communication with Murch Community
- Agreed that it is worthwhile to have paper versions of important
information accessible and distributed along with email and web postings
Murch LSAT Committee Meeting Minutes 9/16/24
- Add meetings notes and solicit input on upcoming LSAT topics from teachers by adding to Ms. Eckstein’s weekly sta_ email bulletin.
o Holdin-personLSATforumssimilartoHSACo_eeswith particular focus on bridge building, Chancellor’s 5-year plan, budget advocacy and feedback on community needs
o Workforatimewhenteacherscanattend
o GetinfofromHSAastowhathasbeenmostsuccessful
historically in making connections and getting input
- - Teachers and LSAT members can use end-of-day/pick up interactions to
encourage feedback and participation in LSAT
- - Explore other ways of sharing and discussing such as google groups
- - Mr. C and LSAT chairs will calendar outreach opportunities
- Comprehensive School Plan (CSP)
- - Principal Cebrzynski led committee through highlights of CSP Goals and
Vision that all personnel are asked to follow o GOALS:
1. Academics:MathandReadingachievementareuniversal, measurable goals
- Attendance:O_toagoodstartwithchronicabsenteeism 4% lower than this point last year and school is aggressively working to further lower this
- SocialEmotionalCurriculum:continuedpartnershipwith Transcend to further approach of education with whole child in mind
4. NextSteps-thisislessclearandbeingdevelopedinhouse o VISION:Emotionalandphysicalsafetyforallstudentsand
celebrate unique identities of students and families
o MISSION:Knowourfamiliesandmeetthewholechild1. Befullyinclusive
2. Provideequitableeducation
3. Celebratelearning
4. Bringfamiliesin(Grandparent/SpecialPersonDayandinformal access to class learning as well)
- - CSP has to be signed, submitted, and published by Sept 30
- - Principal Cebrzynski led committee through highlights of CSP Goals and