Thank you all so much for joining in on the Auction last week. You might have come along on the night, raised a paddle, bid on the silent auction or volunteered to help set up or clean up. Murch thanks you.
The Auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we are thrilled with the results. These funds are so important and will go towards much loved field trips, books, computers, extra curricular activities, training for teachers, music programs, and services for Murch families in need.
Did you buy something and now want to know how to get it?
We have many items and gift cards that need to find their winners! Please email us at and we will organize a time for you to pick them up.
Thank you again to all the amazing Auction Volunteers that gained so many donations, who helped set up or clean up or those that donated items, services or events. We really do appreciate all of your investments into Murch.