We are so close to our SOS goal! Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the HSA’s Support Our School (SOS) Campaign. We truly appreciate your investment in our school.
Since we are only $17,000 away from our goal of raising $110,000, we’ve decided to extend the SOS Campaign to Friday, January 10!
If you’ve considered donating, now is the time! As an added bonus, anyone who has donated to the SOS Campaign by January 10 will be entered into a raffle to win TWO FREE TICKETS to the Spring Auction, a $150 value!
Whether you give $5, $25, $100, $500, or more, you could win these tickets, so please consider DONATING TODAY!
The SOS Campaign is a critical fundraiser for the HSA that allows us to fund Murch Plus, field trips, student scholarships, teacher grants, classroom supplies, and so much more. Each and every dollar makes a difference.
Thank you for supporting our school!