Each spring, Murch throws an auction to raise funds for the Home School Association (HSA). Donations are used to buy educational materials & technologies, provide scholarships to students, teacher grants, and fund field trips and experiential activities for students. These funds pay for resources not covered by the DCPS budget.
Buy your tickets now for the biggest event of the school year - The Murch Auction. Mark your calendars, book your sitters, and get your tickets now!
This year’s event will be a Masquerade Soiree, held on April 14, 2018 (7:30 pm) at the Washington Hebrew Congregation.
This event is made possible by the help of the Murch Community – that means you! Through volunteering & donations we are able to raise the funds needed to provide the level of education for your kids that we have grown to expect from Murch. In addition to helping raise money for your children’s school it’s also a fun night out with food, friends, and drink! What a great way to build our wonderful Murch Community. We hope to see you there.

Help Murch Kick Off a New and Exciting Era!
The long standing tradition of Paddles Up at the Murch Auction offers a unique opportunity for our community to support Murch in ways that would otherwise not be possible. We are about to embark upon an exciting new era as we prepare to transition to back to the newly renovated Murch Elementary. With all of the positive changes coming our way, there has never been a more important time to support Murch by raising our paddles.
Paddles Up is a live auction donation where the Murch community pledges donations to help support the school. This year’s donations will be used to support many new initiatives such as after school enrichment programs, theater arts performances in our new gymnasium, as well as field trips, musical instruments, and any other needs that may arise as we move and settle into our brand new home.
Click to learn more!
Got Questions About The Auction?

Online Bidding is OPEN
The Murch Auction is almost here and our Online Silent Auction is NOW OPEN for early bidding!
The Silent Auction items will remain open for bidding through 9:00 pm the night of the auction, Saturday, April 14, 2018.
This means you can look through the catalogue now, set your maximum bids for items you want to win, take advantage of any Buy Now prices, and start coordinating with friends on group purchases.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you’ve already bought your tickets, you will receive a personal bidding link via text message and email. Please use this link to do your bidding! You do not need to create a new account! You can also click here to access the bidding website and log in using your email address and the password you created when you purchased your tickets.
Some categories won’t open for bidding until the night of, so be sure to come to the auction so you don’t miss out on Class Creations, Marvelous Mustangs, and, of course, our Live auction.

Help Us Build the Wine Cellar
Interest in donating to the Murch Auction, but not sure what to give? Help us Build the Wine Cellar to be sold at the Murch Auction.
Visit either Calvert Woodley or Paul's Wine and Spirits and ask to speak with the manager to pick a bottle of wine to donate to the auction.
- Murch parents can call Paul's directly to make their order for the Wine Cellar over the phone - 202-537-1900- just ask for a manager!
At both locations, be sure to mention that it is for the Murch Auction before you check out to get 20% off of the bottle you are purchasing. Then, you can have the manager hold the wine until the cellar is built or you can contact the auction chairs at murchauction@gmail.com to schedule a drop off.