- Review of the Staffing Model: The staff survey has not been circulated yet because Sabrina wants to review questions with LSAT and Mr. C before finalizing. The committee agreed to ask her to post the questions to Basecamp so members can review and provide feedback. During meeting discussion, the following additional topics were suggested for possible inclusion in the survey:
- What curriculum areas are underdeveloped or absent? One example might be readers/writers workshop which has received less support in recent years. Another possible topic is grammar.
- By grade level, how does the writing development of your students compare?
Mr. C noted that he would like to have teachers at the end of the year write down a list of competencies they believe students should have before leaving their current grade level.
- Review of school data: Mr. C provided to the group several points of data. Overall review of the CAS schools shows that the school is moving in the right direction, in particular within the black subgroup. However, for the most part the school’s scores are staying within a very small band-‐ they are “static with slight growth.” The group noted that overall scores of “advanced proficient” went down last year with the “proficient” group increasing. School’s focus in past few years has been on those students who are in the below basic and basic groups.This year the school takes the PARCC and Mr. C reported that it likely will be at least 2 years until we will be able to make any real analysis of those scores. The committee also noticed that the composition score from the last year’s CAS test went down. It was noted that this year the CAS changed its grading system to consider grammar. Grammar has generally been deemphasized in primary education over the past decade. We discussed the possibility that in light of this change in scoring criteria, the school should have a renewed emphasis on teaching grammar and writing skills. Because the expectations haveshifted, the school many need to incorporate an integrated approach to teaching writing and grammar school-‐wide.
- Wilson/Deal -‐ Mr. C reported having an informal conversation with Principal Albright during which he commented that the majority of Murch students are at least as well prepared for Deal as students from other feeder schools. Beth Colleye has opened a conversation with a member of the Deal LSAT about how best to exchange information. Murch teachers commented that in past years they have unsuccessfully reached out to their Deal colleagues about sharing information and would be happy if the LSATs are able to facilitate such exchange. Mr. C. commented that one of his goals would be for advanced Murch 5th graders to be able to take math at Deal. Mr. C. noted that the Wilson feeder-‐pattern principals informal group has disbanded.
- Enrollment projections. Current enrollment is 627. District projection for next year was 644 and Mr. C did not contest it
- Renovation-‐ Murch is the first elementary school to be relocated during renovation.
- DCPS Budget Engagement Meeting: The Chancellor is again holding budget engagement meetings. This is a working session where the schools and the Chancellor exchange information and share their priorities. Murch’s meeting is Jan. 20 at Coolidge High school, from 7:00-‐9:00. LSAT member attendance is not mandatory but has been helpful in prior years.
- February meeting topics for discussion:
- Results of Jan. budget engagement meeting.
- Planning for 2015-‐16 budget
- Results of teacher survey